News — PMQ

Art Next Expo Exhibition 2019 Alice Chan-Artist Booth Q18, First Floor in PMQ, Nov. 1-4, 2019

Art Competition Art Exhibition Art Next Expo 2019 Group Show Hong Kong PMQ

Art Next Expo Exhibition 2019 Alice Chan-Artist Booth Q18, First Floor in PMQ, Nov. 1-4, 2019

Art Next Expo Exhibition 2019

這次畫展是有關「生命之光」的題材。希望借助中國及西方藝術精粹中的融合表達出人生中正面、樂觀豁達的題材。 這兩幅抽象畫是以現代中國水墨畫及西洋塑膠彩畫間強烈的光暗對比表達出迅速的時間流逝與人生百感交集的像交響樂一般的戲劇化的感覺。賞畫者可於藝術品中的強烈光暗之間感受到此刻的熱鬧、快樂、正面積極的能量。這三幅現代中國畫作是非常有動感及獨特的藝術作品。在漆黑一片的中國墨形成的像神祕煙霧中的背景可讓那有西方特色繁華盛放的金屬色襯托出來。帶活力及有力量的筆觸可以為賞畫人帶出非常有快樂的正能量。這三幅現代中國水墨畫運用了反傳統的顔料及中西合璧的配搭出一種嶄新的現代水墨畫的演繹。

Dear Art Lovers,

These abstract, landscape, and floral artworks and paintings are created to enable art viewers to appreciate the beauties of nature and to elevate and enrich artistic minds. The main theme of this art exhibition is about “Enlightenment”. The artist uses the essence of contemporary Chinese ink art and traditional Western acrylic painting to create a brand new style of art. These modern abstract Chinese paintings are created to inspire positivity through the creative process of enlightenment with a new art form. With the stark contrast of both light and dark, you can sense deep emotions through the swift passing of time. And ultimately, viewers can experience the dramatic and transient nature and the abundance of life through these modern abstract paintings.

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