人間無淨土 只有土中荷 (The Eternally Blissful Lotus Flower)

Art Inspirations Chinese Ink Art Floral Art Lotus Flower Meditation Phone Cases

人間無淨土 只有土中荷 (The Eternally Blissful Lotus Flower)

Check out our latest artist's Inspirations:

New Chinese Ink paintings artwork is released. Check out our latest peaceful Chinese ink art work that is inspired by the idea of grounding earth and meditative bliss.

人間無淨土 只有土中荷 (Eternal Blissful Lotus Flower)


Title: 人間無淨土 只有土中荷 (The Eternally Blissful Lotus Flower)

Medium: 水墨 (Chinese Ink on Rice Paper)

Size: 22”x17” (HxW) Portrait framed Size

Year: 2018


Eternally blissful lotus flower blog post  Title: 人間無淨土 只有土中荷 (The Eternally Blissful Lotus Flower)  Medium: 水墨 (Chinese Ink on Rice Paper)  Size: 22”x17” (HxW) Portrait framed Size


The earth plays a crucial symbolic role to achieve the highest transcendental meditative state in Buddhism that is often symbolized with a lotus flower. When we can learn, grow from past mistakes, and let go of the control from all pain and sufferings that are imposed on us, we will be able to attain the highest level of eternally blissful meditative state and become free.

The earth or mud symbolizes all human sufferings such as disease, evil, and pain. The mud is dirty, impure, and often ugly. But yet, it’s also full of micro-organisms and insects that can decompose and regenerate living plants, such as the unexpected beautiful lotus flowers we see in this painting. The earth is a powerful energy force that is full of nutrients. The mud can naturally help breakdown and decompose the old and help us welcome new life, lead to true happiness, and possibly create the rebirth of new beginnings.

Here, the mud, or simply, painful sufferings, serves as huge lessons learned as we continue the life journey. All mankind’s misfortune and illness, as one encounter in life can teach big powerful life lessons. Hopefully, one can learn, grow, and breakthrough, so one can practice detachment of the outcome and become free.

When we are ready to learn from past mistakes and let go, we can continue to blossom like these elegant blissful lotus flowers and continue to smile and glow again.  

(Chinese Translation)





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About the artist: 

ALICE CHAN is a contemporary Asian artist who studied fine art and architecture in the United States, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Japan, China, Singapore, Portugal, Florence, and Rome.

Mostly, Alice is interested in creating a new form of art form that combines the most refined Eastern and Western traditions and techniques in fine art, and architecture.

Alice was recently selected by the juried art exhibition at the Art Next Expo in 2019 among many international fine artists at PMQ and her work was featured on The Standard Newspaper. Alice’s floral art workshop at the PMQ during the Art Next Expo 2019 was also very well received by the art viewers in Hong Kong. You can read more about Alice's press interview here.

Alice completed a large solo art exhibition at the Zheyuetang Exhibition Gallery in St. Paul’s Co-educational College (SPCC) from 2018-2019. She gave a comprehensive art lecture during the morning accessibly for the whole school and also shared her drawing tips at the drawing workshops at SPCC. Many students and teachers enjoyed viewing and participating in her contemporary modern art exhibition, lectures, and engaging workshops.

(Chinese translation)


陳詠然最近被2019年Art Next 新藝潮藝術博覽會(Art Next Expo)的評審委員會於衆多國際美術家中獲選於PMQ 元創方參展。她的作品也被《標準報》(The Standard Newspaper)廣泛報導。陳詠然期間在PMQ舉辦的花卉藝術研討會也受到了香港藝術觀眾的好評。

Alice 從2018年至2019年於聖保羅男女中學 (SPCC) 的竹月堂藝廊完成了大型個展。她於學校早會進行了藝術講座,並在SPCC的藝術工作坊中分享了她的繪畫技巧心得。她的美術工作坊得到同学們很熱力支持及踴躍參與。

Eternally blissful lotus flower blog post  Title: 人間無淨土 只有土中荷 (The Eternally Blissful Lotus Flower)  Medium: 水墨 (Chinese Ink on Rice Paper)  Size: 22”x17” (HxW) Portrait framed Size

Don't forget to purchase some of our floral art products from our art gallery before you exit this blog.



What To Read Next: 

間強烈的光暗對比表達出迅速的時間流逝與人生百感交集的像交響樂一般的戲劇化的感覺。賞畫者可於藝術品中的強烈光暗之間感受到此刻的熱鬧、快樂、正面積極的能量。這三幅現代中國畫作是非常有動感及獨特的藝術作品。在漆黑一片的中國墨形成的像神祕煙霧中的背景可讓那有西方特色繁華盛放的金屬色襯托出來。帶活力及有力量的筆觸可以為賞畫人帶出非常有快樂的正能量。這三幅現代中國水墨畫運用了反傳統的顔料及中西合璧的配搭出一種嶄新的現代水墨畫的演繹。You may also be interested in:

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